Last month, we celebrated the close of our Welcoming Winter sweepstakes with KitchenAid – and it was challenging to pick the winners from a long list of great participants! We’re excited to share the winners with y’all, but first, a big thank you to every single one of you who participated, entered, shared, liked and followed along during the contest! Our team loved your Facebook posts, Instagram and Pinterest follows and Tweets that we saw!!

For each prize level, we shared some great Rodelle gourmet vanilla ingredientsbaking essentials and gourmet seasonings! Here are the remaining Winners from the Rodelle Welcoming Winter contest!

1st Place Prize Winners

Chad Boyd in Virginia

Elizabeth Resch in Wisconsinwelcome_winter_art-04

Michael Grammer in Indiana

Geraldlee Verwolf in Texas

Sonya Morris in North Carolina

Steve Weber in Wisconsin

David Lintz in Texas

Cynthia Deadmon in North Carolina

Lauren Peterson in Maryland

Suhair Mohammed in Illinois

Jana Gramaglia in North Carolina

Grand Prize Winners

Dina Lindquist in Michigan

Kaye Newman in Alabama

Kim Shoumaker in Texas

Mary Beth Elderton in Missouri


Congratulations to all of our winners! We can’t wait to see what you use your ingredients and KitchenAid prizes to make! And, if you didn’t win this round, we’ve got an exciting contest coming your way for Valentine’s Day!! Stay tuned!


Welcome to our new look - inspired by insight from our loyal customers! Rodelle products will transition to the new look through early 2021. But rest assured, what’s inside is still the same exceptional Rodelle taste and quality you rely on.